We believe our performers, artists and practitioners (who are often on a box office split and not a fixed rate) deserve to have their work recognised and to be paid properly, but we also believe that the arts should be accessible to everyone. Please bear this in mind when you are deciding how much you can afford- someone else’s livelihood is shaped by your choices. We trust people coming to The Bureau to self select their ticket prices in a fair and honest way.

Bottle one description: Full plus Pay It Forwards
I am comfortable and able to meet all of my basic* needs.
I may have some debt, but it doesn’t prohibit attainment of basic needs.
I own my own home OR I rent a higher end property.
I own a car.
I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs.
I have access to financial savings.
I have an expendable** income.
I can afford holidays or take time off.
**able to buy coffee out, dine out, go to the cinema/theater/concerts, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month.
*food, housing, bills, transport.
Bottle two description: Full Price
I am able to meet my basic* needs.
I may have some debt, but it doesn’t prohibit attainment of basic needs.
I own my own home OR rent a property.
I own a car.
I am employed or self employed.
I have access to some financial savings.
I have some expendable** income.
I can take an annual holiday without financial burden.
**able to buy coffee out, dine out, go to the cinema/theater/concerts, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month.
*food, housing, bills, transport.
Bottle three description: Part Concession
I may stress about meeting basic* needs, but still regularly achieve them.
I have some debt.
I am employed or self employed, but I work part time.
I have limited financial savings.
I have limited expendable** income.
I have to actively save in order to take a holiday.
I own a car, but struggle to cover tax and insurance.
**able to buy coffee out, dine out, go to the cinema/theater/concerts, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month.
*food, housing, bills, transport.
Bottle four description: Concession
I frequently stress about meeting basic* needs and don’t always achieve them.
I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting basic needs.
I rent lower end properties or have unstable housing.
I don’t have a car or struggle to afford fuel.
I am unemployed or qualify for government assistance.
I have no financial savings.
I have no or very limited expendable** income.
I cannot afford a holiday or take time off without financial burden.
**able to buy coffee out, dine out, go to the cinema/theater/concerts, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month.
*food, housing, bills, transport.
We also have some Bursary places for people who are unable to afford even the concession rate and would not otherwise be able to attend. Please contact Kerris if you need to request a Bursary code.
We use the green bottle sliding scale framework to price our workshops and performance tickets equitably as well as our room hire, studios and commission rates.
We give thanks to Alexis J. Cunningfolk for developing the green bottle method.
“For a sliding scale to work it relies on the principles of truthfulness, respect for complexity, and accountability. I do not ask for income verification. I trust my students and clients to be honest. Community thrives when accountability is a central value, because that is where trust grows and depth work can be done. Teachers deserve to get paid and students deserve classes which recognize the multiple realities of economic access and privilege that exist.” – AJC